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- An essential element of floor surfaces in large buildings
An essential element of floor surfaces in large buildings
They are not very exciting to look at, but they are very necessary! Most of us walk over them every day in shops and offices but rarely notice their existence. Without them we'd have all sorts of accidents involving the structural gaps that exist in large buildings. Thankfully these expansion joint covers provide a smooth transition across the gaps, allowing buildings to move, expand and contract without posing a trip hazard.
The CSFM model pictured here is a no-fuss expansion joint, specifically designed for 3mm carpet tiles and vinyl flooring. It's designed for minimal movement scenarios however, ABS West also supplies expansion joints suitable for seismic applications. To see our whole range of expansion joint covers, please visit our main site at https://www.abswest.com.au/index.php/products/expansion-joints-and-safety-products/
Posted on 25/02/2019 by Ingrid Harris Home 1491